Healthcare Preparedness Coalition
The Northeast Tennessee Healthcare Preparedness Coalition is a group of healthcare agencies located in the Northeast/Sullivan region. We collaborate to prepare for disasters and ensure an effective disaster response for our community. Our coalition works together to develop emergency plans, conduct training and exercises, share information and resources, and build connections between all partner agencies. By bringing together healthcare organizations from different sectors – including hospitals, public health, EMS, long-term care, and others – we aim to develop capabilities that would be challenging to achieve without support.

The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of volunteers who help make their communities stronger and healthier during disasters. The MRC network comprises more than 300,000 volunteers in roughly 800 community-based units located throughout the United States and its territories. MRC units organize and utilize local volunteers who want to donate their time and expertise to prepare for and respond to emergencies and to support ongoing preparedness initiatives. MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals as well as other community members without healthcare backgrounds who want to improve the health and safety of their communities.